About this bulletin
He Pānui Kōhungahunga
The Early Learning Bulletin
He Pānui Kōhungahunga | The Early Learning Bulletin communicates important early learning information, changes and events.
About this bulletin
He Pitopito Kōrero
School Leaders Bulletin
He Pitopito Kōrero | The School Bulletin is our central channel for communicating key information to school leaders. It includes what school leaders need to know and action, local news, events and more.
About this bulletin
Tertiary and international COVID-19 bulletin
Guidance and advice for tertiary and international providers and learners
About this bulletin
Te Poutāhū Curriculum Centre School Update
Curriculum news and information for school leaders and kaiako. It includes what is changing and when and upcoming engagement opportunities.
About this bulletin
Te Poutāhū Curriculum Centre Early Learning Update
Curriculum news and information for early learning leaders and kaiako. It includes what is changing and when and upcoming engagement opportunities.