Te Poutāhū Curriculum Centre School Update
March 2024
Te Poutāhū Curriculum Centre School Update
Kua mahuta mai a Poutūterangi
e tū ko Te Kūmara-nui-a-Mataora
ē…i, ko Panitīnaku
ē…i, ko Rongomaui
Hoki atu rā e te pīpīwharauroa
Hoki atu rā e te koekoeā
Hauhake tū
Ka tō a Matariki
Nau mai, haere atu taku karere
Te karere a Te Poutāhū
Ki runga ki te mata o te whenua
Tīhei Mauriora!
Poutūterangi the star of Autumn rises,
Te Kūmara-nui-a-Mataora rises
Behold Panitīnaku
Behold Rongomaui.
The pīpīwharauroa has departed
The koekoeā has departed
The harvest ends
As Matariki sets.
Welcome also my message and depart
The message from Te Poutāhū
Moving over the face of the land
It breathes, it lives!
Welcome to the Te Poutāhū Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome to the first edition of the Curriculum Newsletter for 2024.
As we settle into the year, we know you are seeking clarity about what’s happening in the curriculum space, and the changes you should prepare for.
In this issue, you’ll find:
- an introduction to our work in 2024 from acting Te Poutāhū | Curriculum Centre Hautū Pauline Cleaver.
An update on the Minister’s 100-Day Plan for education, including:
- how the Ministerial Advisory Group will help guarantee clarity in the curriculum about the learning that can’t be left to chance
- a reminder about the NZ Curriculum Refresh.
New resources and supports, including:
- the supports available to help you implement the new ‘one hour a day’ teaching requirements
- a summary of the new supports available to help you implement NCEA Level 1.
New research and data
- The latest curriculum insights for maths in a new ERO report.
The latest updates on what's coming up, including:
- a reminder about web content moving to Tāhūrangi
- links to the Term 1 Forward Planner.
A message from the acting hautū
This year work continues to refresh, redesign, and review the national curriculum documents to make sure they are clear about the knowledge, skills, and competencies students need at each phase of learning. This includes making sure that the progression is well signalled and sequenced for teachers and learners.
To help with this, the Minister has requested advice from a Ministerial Advisory Group of independent experts to review work undertaken on the English and Maths learning areas as well as the common practice model, and provide recommendations for any changes or improvements needed.
We know that making clear what needs to be taught, and when, will mean that assessment and aromatawai can be focused on checking-in on the things that matter most and planning next learning steps. I know many of you will already have school programmes where students spend an hour a day on reading, writing, and maths, which creates valuable space for teachers to respond in timely ways to the needs of all students.
We look forward to keeping you involved with work throughout the year, and do hope you’ll share our updates with your colleagues and networks.
Pauline Cleaver
Acting Hautū | Deputy Secretary
Te Poutāhū | Curriculum Centre
To have these updates sent to you directly, click here:
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Need to know
Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) focus expanded
Late last year, the Minister established an advisory group to provide advice on the mathematics and statistics and English learning areas of The New Zealand Curriculum for Years 0-8, and how best to support teachers to use them.
The MAG’s focus has now been expanded to include Years 9 and 10 to align with the coverage of the common practice model.
Initial findings from the MAG are expected in the coming months, and will help inform future decisions on the NZ curriculum refresh and the common practice model for literacy and maths.
Please note:
- The ‘Understand, Know, Do’ model within the drafts of the refreshed NZ curriculum that schools have already seen is not being reviewed. However, the MAG will consider whether the detail provided is sufficient for teaching purposes.
- The MAG is not reviewing the redesigned Te Marautanga o Aotearoa as it is still in development, but any relevant recommendations from the Group will be considered as part of the redesign process.
- Schools and kura will have an opportunity to review and feedback on any changes in 2024 before they are finalised.
You can find out more about the MAG and what it’s doing here:
Ministerial Advisory Group (education.govt.nz)
New Zealand Curriculum Refresh
The refreshed New Zealand Curriculum is still intended to be implemented from the start of 2027, with schools and kura required to use the refreshed mathematics and statistics and English learning areas from the start of 2025.
We recommend you continue to prepare to implement the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum, while being aware that there may be some changes following the MAG’s recommendations to the Minister. We will keep you informed about any changes, including what you need to do and when.
Read more here:
Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum (education.govt.nz)
New resources
Support for teaching an hour a day reading writing and maths
Teaching reading, writing, and maths or pānui, tuhituhi, and pāngarau for an average of at least an hour a day is required in all Years 0-8 classrooms from the beginning of this school year.
This teaching will be happening in planned lessons as well as integrated into other learning areas. What’s important is that students are getting daily experiences with explicit teaching of new concepts and knowledge, as well as time to practise and revisit learning.
In addition to resources already available on Tāhūrangi for NZC users, we now also have:
- a whānau flyer, to help you explain the change to parents and caregivers
- a planning and reflection tool, to help you plan how you’ll meet the new requirement
- integrated timetabling exemplars.
Similar resources are in development for Te Marautanga o Aotearoa users. These will soon be published on this web page:
Pānui me te Tuhituhi me te mahi Pāngarau (education.govt.nz)
For more information about the new requirements visit:
New 'one hour a day' education policy (education.govt.nz)
New supports for NCEA Level 1
Earlier this term, new resources and supports for schools and kura implementing NCEA Level 1 were published. This includes:
- Subject Learning Outcomes for each NZC subject
- Ngā Putanga Ako for each wāhanga ako within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- a teacher guide that you can use to walk through all of the resources available to support your implementation of NCEA Level 1, in both English- and Māori-medium.
Access these resources here:
New NCEA Level 1 supports available | NCEA (education.govt.nz)
Curriculum insights and research
New ERO maths report supports maths teaching
The latest ERO research report, Making it Count: Teaching maths in Years 1 to 3, was released last month.
It outlines the evidence for best-practice maths teaching, identifying two enablers and nine key teaching practices that can be used to lift student achievement. It also contains practical tips you and your leadership team can use to enhance maths teaching practice.
Read the report here:
Making it Count: Teaching Maths in Years 1 to 3 (ero.govt.nz)
What's coming up
Web content moving to Tāhūrangi
New content is continuously being added to our online curriculum hub, Tāhūrangi.
Tāhūrangi makes it easy to find, organise, download, and share curriculum content that’s relevant to you and your ākonga.
If you haven’t already, we recommend familiarising yourself with the new site. Try out its search and collections features, and find out how easy it is to access all the resources you need!
Check it out here:
Tāhūrangi (education.govt.nz)
If you want a bit of extra help learning the ins and outs of Tāhūrangi, you can find our getting started guides here:
Support | Tāhūrangi (education.govt.nz)
Teacher-only day preparation
The first of two teacher-only days provided for schools and kura to focus on curriculum and assessment change is scheduled for Term 2, between Monday 27 May and Friday 7 June.
To get an early start on your planning for these days, you can contact our regional teams here for advice and assistance:
Local Ministry offices – Education in New Zealand
There are already a range of resources available to support your planning for the day, and more will be added in the coming months. Find them here:
Resources | Te Mahau
Term 1 forward planner
The latest forward planner poster is available online for you to download or print. It tells you what’s coming up this term, including engagement opportunities and new resources being made available.
Find it here:
Forward planner (education.govt.nz)