he pitopito kōrero

He Pitopito Kōrero
Issue 171

20 February 2024
he pitopito kōrero

He Pitopito Kōrero

Issue 171
20 February 2024

Kia ora koutou

Welcome to the first regular bulletin of the year. As usual it is long – I apologise in advance!

On Thursday we’ll remember all those impacted by the February 22, 2011, earthquake in Christchurch, including 185 people who lost their lives. 

Ngā mihi 


New resources to support the ‘One hour a day’ teaching requirement

Schools | kura with students in Years 0 to 8 are now expected to spend an average of at least an hour a day each teaching reading, writing and maths, or pānui, tuhituhi and pāngarau. 

New resources:

Flier for parents and whānau [PDF, 947 KB]

Planning and reflecting tool [PDF 87 KB]

Integrated timetabling exemplars [PDF, 313 KB]

Other curriculum resources for ‘one hour a day’ are available here:

Tāhūrangi New Zealand Curriculum – Ministry of Education 

Educators using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa will find resources here:

Tahūrangi | Kauwhata Reo – Ministry of Education

If you have any questions, our regional staff are available to support you. Contact your local office: 

Local Ministry offices – Ministry of Education

Phones away for the day

A reminder of the requirements for implementing phones away for the day:

Phones away for the day – School Bulletin 1 February

Note under section 126 of the Education and Training Act 2020, your board must consult your school community when considering making a new school rule or making a change to an existing school rule.

New ERO maths report to aid maths teaching

This report contains practical tips that school leaders and kaiako can use to implement evidence-based best practice maths teaching and lift student achievement. For more information see the report here:

Making It Count: Teaching Maths in Years 1 to 3 – Education Review Office 

Update to the Ministerial Advisory Group terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG), established to provide advice on the mathematics and statistics and English learning areas for Years 0 to 8, have been updated to allow a greater focus on literacy, including an additional two years of learning. 

The Minister of Education has extended the focus to include Years 9 and 10. The MAG will also provide advice on the year-by-year literacy and communication teaching sequence. 

Read more about the MAG here: 

Ministerial Advisory Group – Ministry of Education

MindPlus one day schools | kura

New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education, who provide MindPlus one day school opportunities for gifted learners, has decided to close six of their MindPlus one day school units, as they are not financially viable. 

We are currently tendering for updated support for gifted learners for 2024. This includes targeted additional supports, where you are supported to meet the needs of your gifted learners within your school. We are also tendering for out-of-school gifted events and opportunities and updated online advice for identifying gifted learners.

Once the new supports are finalised, we will inform you of the services available in your area.

Connect ākonga with over 1,000 role models

Inspiring the Future is a free programme for schools | kura that connects students aged 7–13 with role models from the world of work at school or online events. The aim is to broaden horizons and challenge stereotypes and unconscious biases that can limit young people’s potential, as well as connect what tamariki are learning at school with future possibilities.

It’s based on research that shows most tamariki aspire to one of just nine jobs and unconscious bias around gender, ethnicity and other demographics limit aspirations.

Find out how it works, and how to sign up and schedule an event here: 

Ngā Kura – Schools – Inspiring the Future Aotearoa 

Minimising physical restraint

We listened to boards, schools, teachers, families, and ākonga who have provided us with valuable insights about the physical restraint rules and guidelines. To give effect to that, we are updating the rules and guidelines to:

  • align use and meaning of the terms and eliminate any ambiguity
  • include suitable tools that are easy to understand
  • be explicit about safety options for teachers
  • define expectations about completion of training modules, including for beginning, overseas and returning teachers
  • develop ākonga plans, to limit the use of restraints while encouraging use of alternative options. You are welcome to engage with our staff in the preparation of these plans
  • ensure that the use of safe holds identified in rules 12c and 12d provide assurance of safety to whānau and ākonga.

Be protected against meningococcal disease

Meningococcal disease is a dangerous illness that can kill or cause serious disability. The best way to protect against the disease is to be vaccinated with both the MenB and the MenACWY vaccines. Until 28 February, these are available free for those aged 13 to 25 in close living situations such as a boarding school or hostel.

Please pass this message on to your school community - vaccination appointments can be made with their healthcare providers.

For more information visit:

Meningococcal vaccines – Te Whatu Ora

Update of Authority for Obtaining Bronchodilator Inhalers for Emergency Kits

An Authority to Possess Medicines (Emergency Medical Kit) has been issued by the Medical Officer of Health, Medsafe, allowing principals to obtain bronchodilator inhalers from licensed pharmacies without a prescription for school emergency kits. 

To obtain an inhaler, a written order (for example, a letter) signed by the principal must be provided to a licensed pharmacy. Pharmacies will be notified of the updated Authority document. 

Inhalers are only to be used by teachers or trained staff for the emergency treatment of young people with asthma and in line with Asthma and Respiratory Foundation New Zealand procedures: 

Asthma in Schools – Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ

The Authority to Possess Medicines (Emergency Medical Kit), replaces the previous Authority to Procure Prescription Medicines (expiry 19 November 2023). 

The format of the Authority document has been updated, however the intent of the Authority and the processes to follow are unchanged.

A copy of the newly issued Authority document, which expires on 19 November 2026, can be accessed on our website: 

Review your medication policies and procedures – Inclusive Education TKI.

For further information, please contact Medicines Control at the Ministry of Health: medicinescontrol@health.govt.nz.

Education learning management system offline

The education learning management system will be offline from 29 February to 1 March. The site will be back online from 2 March. We apologise for the inconvenience.

BeTTER way to find teaching jobs

The BeTTER Jobs programme matches beginning or returning teachers with schools identified with recruitment or retention challenges. There are 130 places for 2024, filled on a first come, first served basis, and schools may have more than one teacher in the programme.

Visit the Teach NZ website for eligibility, financial support information, approved ITE programmes and additional information.

BeTTER Jobs programme – Teach NZ 

Voluntary bonding scheme

The Voluntary bonding scheme offers financial incentives to attract teachers. For more information visit:

Voluntary bonding scheme – Teach NZ

Alternatively, phone 0800 550 790 or email voluntary.bonding@education.govt.nz

Initial teacher education course finder

Anyone interested in becoming a teacher can find more than 90 Initial teacher education (ITE) courses using the course finder, which can filter by location, sector, mode of delivery, length of study, full-time or part-time, and language medium.

Those interested can access the course finder tool here: 

ITE courses and providers – Careers in Education 

Pourato update

From Friday 23 February you will be able to export staffing entitlement tabs to Excel spreadsheets from Pourato, for example 'Your Entitlement', 'Provisional' and 'Confirmed' tabs. 

Click on the 'Export to Excel' button to download staffing entitlements across each pay period in the year displayed. For more information visit: 

Pourato – Ministry of Education

Deadlines for school planning documents

Your 2024-2025 strategic plan must be submitted to us and published on your school’s website by 1 March. Your 2024 annual implementation plan must be published on your school’s website by 31 March.

If your school does not have its own website, email planning.reporting@education.govt.nz to request your documents are published on Education Counts. 

Further information on developing, submitting, and publishing documents can be found here:

School planning and reporting: Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success – Ministry of Education

If you have any questions, contact your local Te Mahau office:

Local Ministry offices – Ministry of Education

March roll return due dates

The due date is 1 March with returns due no later than 8 March. The guidelines are available here:

2024 roll return guidelines [PDF, 992KB]

Roll return cheat sheet for new staff [PDF, 103KB]

If you have secondary tertiary programme students, your providers can confirm if you have the correct details recorded in your Student Management System (SMS).

New in 2024

  • Pourato has removed the need for Predicted Rolls. 
  • Updated Privacy Indicator to provide clearer guidance on its use; schools with more use than expected will be contacted directly. 
  • Updates to several code lists – Iwi Affiliation and Country or Jurisdiction or Citizenship. 

2024 roll return guidelines homepage – Education Counts

Any questions, please email school.returns@education.govt.nz.

End of the banking staffing year 2023

The 2023 banking staffing year has closed. Funding code changes can no longer be accepted.

The balancing period runs from pay period 23 to pay period 26 (24 January 2024 to 19 March 2024) and helps you under or overuse your banking staffing to achieve a nil balance.

2024 banking staffing recovery rate

The 2023 banking staffing year will be settled in July this year with recovery or reimbursement in the Q3 operational grant. No reimbursement of underused staffing will be made following this staffing year (settlement in July 2025) except for Kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium Education.

We are finalising the eligibility criteria for banking staffing reimbursements in 2025. We expect to provide more information during term 1.

For advice on managing your banking staffing please contact your school financial advisor. See our website for further information: 

Banking staffing – Ministry of Education

Variations to collective agreements

On Tuesday 27 February, you will receive additional funding for the new pay rates effective 1 December 2022, as agreed in the variation to the Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement 2022-24, and the Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists’ Collective Agreement 2022-24.

This funding is to cover the Public Sector Pay Adjustment (PSPA) pay rates effective 1 December 2022 that will be implemented by Education Payroll Limited (EPL) on 5 March (pay period 25). The funding provided covers the period 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2023. The payment will be made via Pourato under the payment type Non-teach support PE and CA funding.

A letter detailing this funding will be available via the Secure Data Portal (SDP) on Monday 26 February.

If you have any queries please email operational.support@education.govt.nz.

Sick leave entitlement changes

The sick leave entitlements for teachers and principals have been adjusted in line with the settlement of the collective agreements that came into effect on 28 January. 

The balances for some teachers and principals will have increased. The change to an annual entitlement is now based on years of service, rather than sick leave being provided in 5 or 10 year blocks. Sick leave balances will be the new translated entitlement, minus any sick days previously taken for teachers and principals who were employed prior to 28 January 2024. 

Unused sick leave has been carried over, and no teacher or principal will have a balance of less than 10 days, or less than the balance they had prior to translation. Case studies illustrating several translation scenarios can be found here:

Sick leave – Ministry of Education

A table showing the new leave entitlements is available here:

Sick leave entitlements for teachers and principals – Education Payroll

Holidays Act remediation payment 

Today we are making a remediation payment towards Holidays Act arrears for about 5,400 school employees. Further details are available here: 

Holidays Act remediation payment February 2024 – Ministry of Education

ESOL funding applications

Applications for Terms 1 and 2, submitted through the Secure Data Portal (SDP), are due by 1 March.

If you received ESOL funding in previous funding round (August 2023), complete the 2023 period 2 Terms 3 and 4 status list (available from the SDP) and update tabs for new students.

If you did not receive ESOL funding in the August round, use the ESOL funding application form to apply for ESOL funding:

ESOL funding application form [XLSX, 76 KB]

Optional support session

The ESOL team will host a session explaining how to apply for ESOL funding. It’s an open session and registration is not necessary. 

Thursday 22 February 3.15–4pm

Applying for ESOL funding – Microsoft Teams

Meeting ID: 419 609 114 582 

Passcode: DjqQr7 

2023 notional lease available

The 2023 notional lease information is required by your accountant or the person(s) preparing your year-end financial statements. This information is for accounting purposes only – you do not need to pay this amount.

Access 2023 notional lease information [PDF, 362KB] or via the property portal.

Lease charges should be treated as an expense in your Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense, offset by a corresponding income entry. The net impact on the “bottom-line” is zero.

The ‘notional’ lease amount is calculated by applying 5% to the value of Ministry-owned property. This figure is then adjusted by any lease costs directly paid by us. The rate of 5% is the Government cost of capital rate, consistent with the previous year. If there is a significant increase/decrease in your notional lease number, this could be caused by any of the following:

  • creation of new school property assets 
  • disposal of school property assets 
  • significant uplift of valuation for school land and buildings (due to increase in construction costs)
  • re-evaluation of the remaining useful life of those assets
  • any impairment or any changes in lease costs directly paid by the Ministry.

For further information email EIS.Finance@education.govt.nz

Casual Use Lease Agreement and Third-Party Occupancy

The Casual Use Lease Agreement can now be signed directly between a school and external user in more situations. From 1 January 2024, the eligibility criteria expanded so the Board can enter an agreement if all five criteria are met. The criteria and updated standard Casual Use Lease Agreement can be found here:

Lease agreements and application process – Ministry of Education   

The Third-Party Occupancy application form used for all other occupancy types has been updated. 

For more information, please contact your property advisor.

Construction Works Isolation Guidelines

We have developed guidelines to minimise construction-related hazards. Please see the information below and share the guidelines with contractors you engage for construction projects.

Construction Works Isolation Guidelines – Ministry of Education [PDF 140KB]

Managing contractor health and safety – Ministry of Education 

Fire alarm and sprinkler system shutdowns

When fire alarms or sprinkler systems need to be isolated for emergencies, construction work, or repairs to the system, you are responsible for developing alternative evacuation procedures. 

You need a shutdown form from the contractor, which outlines the details and timeframes of the shutdown and items you need to consider. You or the contractor can email this notice to property advisor FENZ - fireinfo@fire.org.nz, fire monitoring company, and other insurance providers you use. 

Fire Protection System Shutdown Form [PDF, 199KB]

Read more here: Fire safety design requirements for schools – Ministry of Education

If you have questions, please email your property advisor or Property.Help@education.govt.nz. 

New email protocols required for sending emails

From 1 February, changes at Google and Yahoo means updating your email protocols is recommended to prevent them being blocked or quarantined. Without the update, emails sent in bulk, for example school newsletters sent to whānau, may be marked as spam.

We recommend you check with your IT specialist that you have SPF and DMARC enabled. Alternatively, Liverton Security have offered to help schools | kura move to SchoolDNS and implement SPF and DMARC at the same time. Liverton Security has technical staff who can help you implement these changes at no charge.

More information and guidance on securing your email domain is available here:

Secure your email – Ministry of Education

Secure your domain with Sender Policy Framework – Ministry of Education

Buying 101 advice sessions

Staff responsible for buying can join Teams sessions to learn how to get the most value from purchases.

  • 11:00-11:30am Wednesday 6 March | Meeting ID: 417 024 174 247 | Passcode: 58AZNr 

Buying 101 (general good buying practice) – Microsoft Teams


  • 11:00-11:30am Wednesday 21 March | Meeting ID: 435 960 899 865 | Passcode: fSDGGg 

Running a 'competitive process' for a purchase – Microsoft Teams


  • 3:15-3:45pm Thursday 4 April Meeting ID: 498 968 788 261 | Passcode: jERiGe

Buying IT hardware – Microsoft Teams


Email school.buying@education.govt.nz if you have any questions.

Reminder: Ramadan information webinar