he pānui kōhungahunga

He Pānui Kōhungahunga
Issue 112

01 August 2024
he pānui kōhungahunga

He Pānui Kōhungahunga

Issue 112
01 August 2024

2024 annual ECE census update

Thank you to the services who have already completed their ECE census for the week of 17 to 23 June 2024 (the month of June for playgroups). If you have not yet submitted your ECE census, please submit this immediatelyThe due date was 11 July.

Completing an accurate annual ECE census is a requirement of the ECE Funding Handbook. Your funding may be withheld if we do not receive your census data by 13 September. 

You need to complete your ECE census via your student management system (SMS) or ELI Web and submit it electronically. 

For any technical queries regarding your SMS, contact your SMS provider directly. If you are a casual education and care service, playgroup or a hospital-based service, you will have received a link to complete your census to return digitally via an online survey. 

If you have not received the link or for further questions, contact ece.statistics@education.govt.nz.

Consultation feedback report on revoking the National Statement

We have now published a report of the consultation feedback received on the revocation of the National Statement on the Network of Licensed Early Childhood Services.

The consultation feedback report can be found on our website:

Consultation Feedback Report on Revoking the National Statement – Ministry of Education

Repeal of network approval provisions

The Education and Training Amendment Bill, which includes the repeal of network approval provisions, is currently in Select Committee. Public submissions closed on 29 July and oral hearings have begun. We will provide an update on the outcomes of the Select Committee process once it is completed. 

The Bill can be found here:

Education and Training Amendment Bill – New Zealand Parliament

Attestation for certificated teachers’ salaries

Education and care and hospital-based services’ responses to the attestation of certificated teachers’ salaries section on the RS7 return are available on the Education Counts website:

Attestation for Certified Teachers’ Salaries – Education Counts

These are updated after each ECE bulk funding payment. 

Advisory: Start collecting ECE invoices

Eligible parents and caregivers should now start saving their Early Childhood Education (ECE) invoices to claim FamilyBoost later in the year. FamilyBoost is a new childcare payment administered by Inland Revenue to help eligible parents and caregivers with the cost of ECE.

To claim FamilyBoost, parents and caregivers will need to register in myIR. You only need to register once. You can do this from mid-September. You can submit your claim for FamilyBoost from 1 October for the 1 July to 30 September quarter.

Home – MyIR

Read about FamilyBoost at:

FamilyBoost – Inland Revenue

Ventilation in Early Learning Services

Winter ventilation guidance and support

Good ventilation helps reduce the spread of viruses, including COVID-19, flu, and measles, while enhancing educational outcomes. During winter, adequate ventilation can still be achieved by partially opening windows as much as possible while maintaining warmth. You can use CO2 monitors to check the ventilation performance. 

We have published guidance to support your decisions and this can be accessed through: 

Ventilation in Early Learning Services – Ministry of Education

Discounted price for portable CO2 monitors

Early learning services, and other education providers, can still purchase Aranet4 CO2 monitors at a discounted price from our nominated supplier, Butler Techsense Ltd. To access the discount, use the voucher code ‘3DUCATION’ at checkout on their website:

Aranet4 HOME CO2 Sensor – The Temperature Shop

Early Intervention Study Award

We fund several study awards for kaiako to undertake the post-graduate specialist teaching programme: early intervention through Massey University. 

This programme is suitable for kaiako who have an interest in supporting ākonga with additional learning needs. Find more information, including eligibility and application details here: 

Early Intervention Study Award – Ministry of Education


Cook Islands language week

Epetoma Te Reo Māori Kūki ‘Āirani | Cook Islands Language Week runs from 4 to 10 August.

Suggested activities and curated website links are available on Tāhurangi:

Cook Islands Language Week Tāhurangi

You can also find a guide to basic language from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples here:

Te Reo Māori Kūki ‘Airani: A brief guide to reading and speaking the Cook Islands Māori language [PDF, 1.96 MB]